⚡ Getting Started
- Add the library as a dependency to your project. You can find instructions about it on Maven Coordinates page
- Use the library in your Java code
Here is a complete code sample to illustrate what the library can do for you :
import io.github.jy95.fds.common.types.DisplayOrder;
import io.github.jy95.fds.r4.DosageAPIR4;
import io.github.jy95.fds.r4.config.FDSConfigR4;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Dosage;
import java.util.List;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a configuration to be used by the library
FDSConfigR4 configR4 = FDSConfigR4
// Create the library with that configuration
DosageAPIR4 lib = new DosageAPIR4(configR4);
// TODO Your HAPI FHIR Dosage instance you would like to deal with ;)
Dosage dosage = new Dosage();
// Converts the dosage object into human-readable text
String asText = lib.asHumanReadableText(dosage).get();
// Extract specific existing field(s) to meet your requirements
String singleField = lib.getFields(dosage, DisplayOrder.DOSE_QUANTITY).get();
String multipleFields = lib.getFields(dosage, DisplayOrder.TEXT, DisplayOrder.PATIENT_INSTRUCTION).get();
// Converts the dosage object into human-readable text
String multipleAsText = lib.asHumanReadableText(List.of(dosage));
// And much more ...
Refer to the documentation for more details.