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 * module for exploring directories
 * @see {@link https://nspragg.github.io/filehound/}
import FileHound from 'filehound';

 * Access method from module fs (node) with constants
 * @see {@link https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_access_path_mode_callback}
 * @see {@link https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_constants_1}
import {
  constants as FsConstants,
} from 'fs';

 * Basename and normalize methods from module path (node)
 * @see {@link https://nodejs.org/api/path.html#path_path_basename_path_ext}
 * @see {@link https://nodejs.org/api/path.html#path_path_normalize_path}
import { basename, normalize } from 'path';

 * uniq and difference methods from Lodash
 * @see {@link https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.4#uniq}
 * @see {@link https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.4#difference}
 * @see {@link https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.4#partition}
 * @see {@link https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.4#cloneDeep}
import { uniq, difference, partition, cloneDeep } from 'lodash';

 * A promise object provided by the bluebird promise library.
 * @external {Promise} http://bluebirdjs.com/docs/api-reference
import PromiseLib from 'bluebird';

 * List of video file extensions
 * @see {@link https://github.com/sindresorhus/video-extensions}
import videosExtension from 'video-extensions';

 * Default Parser for media files name
 * @type {customParsingFunction}
 * @external {nameParser} https://github.com/clement-escolano/parse-torrent-title
import { parse as nameParser } from 'parse-torrent-title';

 * @external {EventEmitter} https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_class_eventemitter
import EventEmitter from 'events';

 * Filter Properties for filterMovies function
import { filterMoviesByProperties, filterTvSeriesByProperties }
  from './filters/filterProperties';

 * check if an object has these properties and they are not undefined
 * @param {Object} obj The object
 * @param {Array} properties The properties array
 * @return {boolean} The result
function checkProperties(obj, properties) {
  return properties.every(x => x in obj && obj[x]);

 * rejected promise when someone doesn't provide
 * @return {Promise} The rejected promise
function missingParam() {
  return new PromiseLib(((resolve, reject) => {
    reject(new Error('Missing parameter'));

 * Bluebird seems to have an issue with fs.access - Workaround function
 * @private
 * @param {string} path a path
 * @returns {Promise} an Promise object resolved or rejected
 * @see {@link https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/1442}
function promisifiedAccess(path) {
  return new PromiseLib(((resolve, reject) => {
    access(path, FsConstants.F_OK | FsConstants.R_OK, (err) => {
      if (err) reject(err);

 * Class representing the TorrentLibrary
 * @extends {EventEmitter}
export default class TorrentLibrary extends EventEmitter {
     * constant for movie category
     * @since 0.0.0
     * @type {string}
     * @static
  static get MOVIES_TYPE() {
    return 'MOVIES';

     * constant for tv series category
     * @type {string}
     * @since 0.0.0
     * @static
  static get TV_SERIES_TYPE() {
    return 'TV_SERIES';

     * Create a TorrentLibrary
     * @since 1.0.4
     * @param {Object} [config] - the config object
     * @param {(String)} [config.defaultPath=process.cwd()] - the default path
     * @param {(String[])} [config.paths=[]] - the paths where we are looking the media files
     * @param {(Map<string,string>)} [config.allFilesWithCategory=new Map()] - Mapping filepath => category
     * @param {(Set<TPN_Extended>)} [config.movies=new Set()] - the movies files
     * @param {(Map<string, Set<TPN_Extended>>)} [config.series=new Map()] - the serie files
     * @param {customParsingFunction} [parser=nameParser] - The parsing function to be used with this lib ;
     * default is function parse from parse-torrent-title package
      defaultPath = process.cwd()
      /* istanbul ignore next: tired of writing tests */,
      paths = [] /* istanbul ignore next: tired of writing tests */,
      allFilesWithCategory = new Map()
      /* istanbul ignore next: tired of writing tests */,
      movies = new Set() /* istanbul ignore next: tired of writing tests */,
      series = new Map() /* istanbul ignore next: tired of writing tests */,
    } = {} /* istanbul ignore next: tired of writing tests */,
    parser = nameParser /* istanbul ignore next: tired of writing tests */,
  ) {
     * The parsing function to be used with this lib
     * @since 1.4.0
     * @type {customParsingFunction}
    this.parser = parser;
         * just an easy way to scan the current directory path, if not other paths provided
         * @type  {string}
         * @since 0.0.0
    this.defaultPath = defaultPath;
         * the paths where we are looking the media files
         * @type {String[]}
         * @since 0.0.0
         * @example
         * // after have added some paths ...
         * [ "D:\somePath", "D:\anotherPath" ]
    this.paths = paths;
         * The variable where we store all kind of media files found in paths
         * @type {StoreVar}
         * @since 0.0.0
    this.stores = new Map([
      [TorrentLibrary.MOVIES_TYPE, movies],
      [TorrentLibrary.TV_SERIES_TYPE, series],
         * Mapping filepath => category
         * @type {Map<string,string>}
         * @since 0.0.0
         * @example
         * { "D:\somePath\Captain Russia The Summer Soldier (2014) 1080p BrRip x264.MKV" => TorrentLibrary.MOVIES_TYPE }
    this.categoryForFile = allFilesWithCategory;
         * Private method for adding new files
         * @private
         * @returns {Promise} an resolved or reject promise
         * @param {string[]} files An array of filePath
    this.addNewFiles = function addNewFiles(files) {
      return new PromiseLib((resolve, reject) => {
        try {
          // find the new files to be added
          const alreadyFoundFiles = [...this.categoryForFile.keys()];
          const newFiles = difference(files, alreadyFoundFiles);

          // temp var for new files before adding them to stores var
          const moviesSet = new Set();
          const tvSeriesSet = new Set();

          // get previous result of stores var
          let newMovies = this.allMovies;
          const newTvSeries = this.allTvSeries;

          // process each file
          for (const file of newFiles) {
            // get data from nameParser lib
            // what we need is only the basename, not the full path
            const jsonFile = this.parser(basename(file));
            // extend this object in order to be used by this library
            Object.assign(jsonFile, { filePath: file });
            // find out which type of this file
            // if it has not undefined properties (season and episode) => TV_SERIES , otherwise MOVIE
            const fileCategory =
                (checkProperties(jsonFile, ['season', 'episode']))
                  ? TorrentLibrary.TV_SERIES_TYPE : TorrentLibrary.MOVIES_TYPE;
            // add it in found files
            this.categoryForFile.set(file, fileCategory);
            // also in temp var
            if (fileCategory !== TorrentLibrary.TV_SERIES_TYPE) {
            } else {

          // add the movies into newMovies
          newMovies = new Set([...newMovies, ...moviesSet]);

          // add the tv series into newTvSeries
          // First step : find all the series not in newTvSeries and add them to newTvSeries
            uniq([...tvSeriesSet].map(tvSeries => tvSeries.title)),
          ).forEach((tvSeriesToInsert) => {
            newTvSeries.set(tvSeriesToInsert, new Set());

          // Second step : add the new files into the correct tvSeries Set
          uniq([...tvSeriesSet].map(tvSeries => tvSeries.title))
            .forEach((tvSerie) => {
            // get the current set for this tvSerie
              const currentTvSerie = newTvSeries.get(tvSerie);

              // find all the episodes in the new one for this serie
              const episodes = [...tvSeriesSet]
                .filter(episode => episode.title === tvSerie);

              // add them and updates newTvSeries
                new Set([...currentTvSerie, ...episodes]),

          // updates the stores var
          this.stores.set(TorrentLibrary.MOVIES_TYPE, newMovies);
          this.stores.set(TorrentLibrary.TV_SERIES_TYPE, newTvSeries);
        } catch (err) {

     * Provides the array of files extensions considered to be media extensions
     * @return {string[]} array of files extensions
     * @since 0.0.0
     * @example
     * // Returns [..., 'webm', 'wmv']
     * TorrentLibrary.listVideosExtension()
  static listVideosExtension() {
    return videosExtension;

     * Add the path(s) to be analyzed by the library if they exist and are readable
     * @param {...string} paths - A or more path(s)
     * @since 0.0.0
     * @example
     * // return resolved Promise "All paths were added!"
     * TorrentLibraryInstance.addNewPath("C:\Users\jy95\Desktop\New folder","C:\Users\jy95\Desktop\New folder2");
     * @return {Promise}  On success the promise will be resolved with "All paths were added!"<br>
     * On error the promise will be rejected with an Error object "Missing parameter" if the argument is missing<br>
     * or an Error object from fs <br>
     * @emits Events#missing_parameter
     * @emits Events#error_in_function
     * @emits Events#addNewPath
  addNewPath(...paths) {
    // the user should provide us at lest a path
    if (paths.length === 0) {
      this.emit('missing_parameter', {
        functionName: 'addNewPath',
      return missingParam();

    return new PromiseLib(((resolve, reject) => {
      PromiseLib.map(paths, path => promisifiedAccess(path)).then(() => {
        // keep only unique paths
        // use normalize for cross platform's code
        this.paths = uniq([...this.paths, ...paths.map(normalize)]);
        this.emit('addNewPath', { paths: this.paths });
        resolve('All paths were added!');
      }).catch((e) => {
        this.emit('error_in_function', {
          functionName: 'addNewPath',
          error: e.message,

     * Tell us if the user has provided us paths
     * @since 0.0.0
     * @returns {boolean} Has user provided us paths ?
     * @example
     * TorrentLibraryInstance.addNewPath("C:\Users\jy95\Desktop\New folder","C:\Users\jy95\Desktop\New folder2");
     * TorrentLibraryInstance.hasPathsProvidedByUser() // TRUE
  hasPathsProvidedByUser() {
    return this.paths.length !== 0;

     * Scans the paths in search for new files to be added inside this lib
     * @since 0.0.0
     * @return {Promise}  On success the promise will be resolved with "Scanning completed"<br>
     * On error the promise will be rejected with an Error object from sub modules<br>
     * @emits Events#scan
     * @emits Events#error_in_function
  scan() {
    const foundFiles = FileHound.create()
      .paths((this.paths.length === 0) ? this.defaultPath : this.paths)

    return new PromiseLib((resolve, reject) => {
        .then(files => this.addNewFiles(files)).then(() => {
          this.emit('scan', { files: foundFiles });
          resolve('Scanning completed');
        }).catch((err) => {
          this.emit('error_in_function', {
            functionName: 'scan',
            error: err.message,

     * Removes files stored in this library
     * @param {...string} files An array of filePath (for example the keys of allFilesWithCategory)
     * @since 1.0.3
     * @return {Promise} an resolved or rejected promise<br>
     * On success, the resolve will contain an message and the removed filePaths<br>
     * On error the promise will be rejected with an Error object from sub modules<br>
     * @example
     * // with multiples files
     * TorrentLibraryInstance.removeOldFiles(
     *    "D:\somePath\Captain Russia The Summer Soldier (2014) 1080p BrRip x264.MKV",
     *    "D:\\workspaceNodeJs\\torrent-files-library\\test\\folder1\\The.Blacklist.S04E21.FRENCH.WEBRip.XviD.avi"
     * )
     * @emits Events#removeOldFiles
     * @emits Events#error_in_function
  removeOldFiles(...files) {
    return new PromiseLib((resolve, reject) => {
      try {
        // get the data to handle this case
        // in the first group, we got all the tv series files and in the second, the movies
        const processData = partition(files, file =>
          this.categoryForFile.get(file) === TorrentLibrary.TV_SERIES_TYPE);

        // for movies, just an easy removal
          new Set([...this.allMovies]
            .filter(movie => !(processData[1].includes(movie.filePath)))),

        // for the tv-series, a bit more complicated
        // first step : find the unique tv series of these files
        const tvSeriesShows = uniq(processData[0]
          .map(file => this.parser(basename(file)).title));

        // second step : foreach each series in tvSeriesShows
        const newTvSeriesMap = this.allTvSeries;

        for (const serie of tvSeriesShows) {
          // get the set for this serie
          const filteredSet = new Set([...newTvSeriesMap.get(serie)]
            .filter(episode =>
          // if the filtered set is empty => no more episodes for this series
          if (filteredSet.size === 0) {
          } else newTvSeriesMap.set(serie, filteredSet);

        // save the updated map
        this.stores.set(TorrentLibrary.TV_SERIES_TYPE, newTvSeriesMap);

        // remove the mapping
        files.forEach((file) => {
        this.emit('removeOldFiles', { files });
          message: 'The files have been deleted from the library',
      } catch (err) {
        this.emit('error_in_function', {
          functionName: 'removeOldFiles',
          error: err.message,

     * Getter for all found movies
     * @since 0.0.0
     * @type {Set<TPN_Extended>}
     * @example
     * // an JSON stringified example of this method
     * [
     *  {
     *   "year":2012,
     *   "source":"dvdrip",
     *   "codec":"xvid",
     *   "group":"-www.zone-telechargement.ws.avi",
     *   "container":"avi",
     *   "language":"truefrench",
     *   "title":"Bad Ass",
     *   "filePath":"D:\\workspaceNodeJs\\torrent-files-library\\test\\folder1\\Bad.Ass.2012.LiMiTED.TRUEFRENCH.DVDRiP.XviD-www.zone-telechargement.ws.avi"
     *  }
     * ]
  get allMovies() {
    return cloneDeep(this.stores.get(TorrentLibrary.MOVIES_TYPE));

     * Getter for all found tv-series
     * @since 0.0.0
     * @type {Map<string, Set<TPN_Extended>>}
     * @example
     * // an JSON stringified example of this method
     * {
   * "The Blacklist":[
   *    {
   *      "season":4,
   *      "episode":21,
   *      "source":"webrip",
   *      "codec":"xvid",
   *      "container":"avi",
   *      "language":"french",
   *      "title":"The Blacklist",
   *      "filePath":"D:\\workspaceNodeJs\\torrent-files-library\\test\\folder1\\The.Blacklist.S04E21.FRENCH.WEBRip.XviD.avi"
   *   },
   *   {
   *      "season":4,
   *      "episode":14,
   *      "source":"webrip",
   *      "codec":"xvid",
   *      "container":"avi",
   *      "language":"french",
   *      "title":"The Blacklist",
   *      "filePath":"D:\\workspaceNodeJs\\torrent-files-library\\test\\folder2\\The.Blacklist.S04E14.FRENCH.WEBRip.XviD.avi"
   *   }
   * ]
* }
  get allTvSeries() {
    return cloneDeep(this.stores.get(TorrentLibrary.TV_SERIES_TYPE));

     * Getter for the mapping between filepaths and category
     * @type {Map<string,string>}
     * @since 0.0.0
     * @example
     * { "D:\somePath\Captain Russia The Summer Soldier (2014) 1080p BrRip x264.MKV" => TorrentLibrary.MOVIES_TYPE }
  get allFilesWithCategory() {
    return cloneDeep(this.categoryForFile);

     * Returns an JSON stringified of the current state
     * @since 1.0.3
     * @see {@link https://github.com/jy95/torrent-files-library/blob/master/test/fixtures/example.json}
     * @return {string} json - the JSON stringified
  toJSON() {
    const tvSeries = this.allTvSeries;
    return `{
    "tv-series":${JSON.stringify([...tvSeries].map(serie =>
    // serie[0] contains the title and [1] the wrong JSON ; let fix it
    [serie[0], [...tvSeries.get(serie[0])]]))}

     * Creates an instance of TorrentLibrary
     * @param {Object} [json] - the JSON object of toJSON() string
     * @param {(String[])} json.paths - the paths where we are looking the media files
     * @param {(Array.<Array.<String,String>>)} json.allFilesWithCategory - Mapping filepath => category
     * @param {(TPN_Extended[])} json.movies - the movies files
     * @param {(Array.<Array.<String,TPN_Extended[]>>)} json.tv-series - the serie files
     * @param {customParsingFunction} [parser=nameParser] - The custom parser you want to use
     * @see {@link https://github.com/jy95/torrent-files-library/tree/master/tests/fixtures/example.json} for an param example
     * @since 1.2.0
     * @return {TorrentLibrary} an TorrentLibrary instance
     * @example
     * // creates an new instance from another one
     *   const createdInstance = TorrentLibrary.createFromJSON(
     *      JSON.parse(libInstance.toJSON()),
     *   );
     * @example
     * // As explained there : https://github.com/clement-escolano/parse-torrent-title#regular-expressions
     * // If you want an extra field to be populated
     * const ptt = require("parse-torrent-title");
     * ptt.addHandler("part", /Part[. ]([0-9])/i, { type: "integer" });
     * // creates an new instance from another one; with custom parser
     *   const createdInstance = TorrentLibrary.createFromJSON(
     *      JSON.parse(libInstance.toJSON()),
     *      ptt.parse
     *   );
  static createFromJSON(json, parser = nameParser) {
    let config = json;
    // transform the param
    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (json.allFilesWithCategory) {
      config.allFilesWithCategory = new Map(json.allFilesWithCategory);
    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (json.movies) {
      config.movies = new Set(json.movies);
    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (json['tv-series']) {
      let createdMap = new Map();
      for (let [serieTitle, setSerie] of json['tv-series']) {
        createdMap.set(serieTitle, new Set(setSerie));
      config.series = createdMap;
    return new TorrentLibrary(config, parser);

   * Filter the movies based on search parameters
   * @param {searchParameters} searchParameters - search parameters.
   * @return {Set<TPN>} the filtered movie set
   * @since 1.3.0
  filterMovies(searchParameters = {
    // boolean properties
    extended: undefined,
    unrated: undefined,
    proper: undefined,
    repack: undefined,
    convert: undefined,
    hardcoded: undefined,
    retail: undefined,
    remastered: undefined,
    // number properties
    season: undefined,
    episode: undefined,
    year: undefined,
    // string properties
    title: undefined,
    resolution: undefined,
    codec: undefined,
    audio: undefined,
    group: undefined,
    region: undefined,
    container: undefined,
    language: undefined,
    source: undefined,
    // new properties
    additionalProperties: [],
  }) {
    // apply params based on types
    return filterMoviesByProperties(searchParameters, this.allMovies);

   * Filter the tv-series based on search parameters
   * @param {searchParameters} searchParameters - search parameters.
   * @return {(Map<string, Set<TPN>>)} the filtered movie set
   * @since 1.5.0
  filterTvSeries(searchParameters = {
    // boolean properties
    extended: undefined,
    unrated: undefined,
    proper: undefined,
    repack: undefined,
    convert: undefined,
    hardcoded: undefined,
    retail: undefined,
    remastered: undefined,
    // number properties
    season: undefined,
    episode: undefined,
    year: undefined,
    // string properties
    title: undefined,
    resolution: undefined,
    codec: undefined,
    audio: undefined,
    group: undefined,
    region: undefined,
    container: undefined,
    language: undefined,
    source: undefined,
    // new properties
    additionalProperties: [],
  }) {
    return filterTvSeriesByProperties(searchParameters, this.allTvSeries);