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// ESDoc custom typedef

 * The result of parsing file name
 * @typedef {Object} TPN
 * @see {@link https://github.com/clement-escolano/parse-torrent-title}
 * @property {(string)} title - The file title
 * @property {(number)} [season] - The season number
 * @property {(number)} [episode] - The episode number
 * @property {(number)} [year] - The year
 * @property {(string)} [resolution] - The resolution
 * @property {(string)} [codec] - The codec
 * @property {(string)} [audio] - The audio
 * @property {(string)} [group] - The group that releases this file
 * @property {(string)} [region] - The region
 * @property {(string)} [container] - The container
 * @property {(string)} [language] - The file language
 * @property {(boolean)} [extended] - extended ?
 * @property {(boolean)} [unrated] - unrated ?
 * @property {(boolean)} [proper] - proper ?
 * @property {(boolean)} [repack] - repack ?
 * @property {(boolean)} [convert] - convert ?
 * @property {(boolean)} [hardcoded] - hardcoded ?
 * @property {(boolean)} [retail] - retail ?
 * @property {(boolean)} [remastered] - remastered ?
 * @property {(string)} [source] - the source
 * @example
 * {
 *         "container":"avi",
 *         "source":"webrip",
 *         "codec":"xvid",
 *         "season":4,
 *         "episode":14,
 *         "language":"french",
 *         "title":"The Blacklist"
 * }

 * The extended TPN object
 * @typedef {TPN} TPN_Extended
 * @property {string} filePath - additionnal property useful for this library
 * @example
 * {
 *         "container":"avi",
 *         "source":"webrip",
 *         "codec":"xvid",
 *         "season":4,
 *         "episode":14,
 *         "language":"french",
 *         "title":"The Blacklist",
 *         "filePath":"D:\\workspaceNodeJs\\torrent-files-library\\test\\folder2\\The.Blacklist.S04E14.FRENCH.WEBRip.XviD.avi"
 * }

 * The sub way to store all kind of media files found in paths
 * @typedef {Set<TPN_Extended>| Map<string,Set<TPN_Extended>} StorageVar

 * The master variable where we store all kind of media files found in paths
 * @typedef {Map<string, StorageVar>} StoreVar
 * @example
 * // An example of the variable after the scan method
 * [
 *      "MOVIES" : [
 *         {
 *            "year": 2014,
 *            "resolution": '1080p',
 *            "source": 'brrip',
 *            "codec": 'x264',
 *            "container": 'mkv',
 *            "title": 'Captain Russia The Summer Soldier',
 *            "filePath": "D:\somePath\Captain Russia The Summer Soldier (2014) 1080p BrRip x264.MKV"
 *         }
 *      ],
 *      "TV_SERIES" : [
 *          "The Blacklist" : [
 *              {
 *                  "season": 4,
 *                  "episode": 21,
 *                  "source": "webrip",
 *                  "codec": "xvid",
 *                  "container": "avi",
 *                  "language": "french"
 *                  "filePath" : "D:\somePath\The.Blacklist.S04E21.FRENCH.WEBRip.XviD.avi"
 *              }
 *          ]
 *      ]
 * ]

 * The search syntax for number properties : a operator follows by a number
 * @typedef {string} numberSearchSyntax
 * @example
 * '<=25'
 * @example
 * '=25'

 * Number expression for number filtering
 * @typedef {Object} numberExpressionObject
 * @property {string} operator The operator for matching process
 * @property {number} number  The extracted number for matching process
 * @example
 * { operator: '>=' , number: 5 }

 * allows user to provide custom filtering stuff
 * @typedef {Object} additionalProperties
 * @property {string} type Filter type - Possible values are 'number' , 'string' , 'number'
 * @property {string} name The requested property
 * @property {boolean|string|string[]|number|numberSearchSyntax} value The requested value
 * @example
 * { type: 'number', name: 'AnotherField2', value: '<=25' }
 * { type: 'boolean', name: 'AnotherField', value: true }
 * { type: 'number', name: 'AnotherField2', value: 25 }
 * { type: 'string', name: 'AnotherField', value: ['NothingExists', 'NothingExists'] }

 * search parameters object
 * @typedef {Object} searchParameters - search parameters.
 * @property {boolean} [extended=undefined] - extended ?
 * @property {boolean} [unrated=undefined] - unrated ?
 * @property {boolean} [proper=undefined] - proper ?
 * @property {boolean} [repack=undefined] - repack ?
 * @property {boolean} [convert=undefined] - convert ?
 * @property {boolean} [hardcoded=undefined] - hardcoded ?
 * @property {boolean} [retail=undefined] - retail ?
 * @property {boolean} [remastered=undefined] - remastered ?
 * @property {number|numberSearchSyntax} [season=undefined] - the season
 * @property {number|numberSearchSyntax} [episode=undefined] - the episode
 * @property {number|numberSearchSyntax} [year=undefined] - the year
 * @property {string|string[]} [title=undefined] - the title
 * @property {string|string[]} [resolution=undefined] - the resolution
 * @property {string|string[]} [codec=undefined] - the codec
 * @property {string|string[]} [audio=undefined] - the audio
 * @property {string|string[]} [group=undefined] - the group
 * @property {string|string[]} [region=undefined] - the region
 * @property {string|string[]} [container=undefined] - the container
 * @property {string|string[]} [language=undefined] - the language
 * @property {string|string[]} [source=undefined] - the source
 * @property {additionalProperties[]} [additionalProperties=[]] - additional Properties

 * A parsing function to be used with this lib
 * @typedef {Function} customParsingFunction
 * @param {string} title - The file name
 * @return {TPN} the result
 * @example
 * // default parser used in this lib
 * const parser = require("parse-torrent-title").parser;
 * @example
 * // extended default parser as explained here : https://github.com/clement-escolano/parse-torrent-title#advanced-usage
 * const ptt = require("parse-torrent-title");
 * ptt.addHandler("part", /Part[. ]([0-9])/i, { type: "integer" });
 * const parser = ptt.parse;
 * @example
 * // original parser used in this lib : https://github.com/jy95/torrent-name-parser
 * const parser = require('torrent-name-parser');